Sunday, December 29, 2019


14DHS SES Candidate Development Program Announcement Open Until 12/1/14DHS SES Candidate Development Program Announcement Open Until 12/1/14Senior Executive Service Candidates Be AdvisedThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has posted the announcement for its Senior Executive Service (SES) Candidate Development Program (CDP). Applications are being accepted through December 1, 2014.The application requires only the 5-page SES resume Learn how to write this all-inclusive 5-page SES resume with the help of the Kathryn Troutman and Diane Hudsons acclaimed reference The New SES Application.This publication includes two successful samples of the 5-page resume, which includesECQ examples that cover the required leadership competenciesExample of the format and description of dutiesExample of how to use keywords and summaries of experiencesExamples of how to cover the Technical Qualifications in the 5 page resume

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Thought Leaders Convene to Help ASME Focus its Technology Port...

Thought Leaders Convene to Help ASME Focus its Technology Port... Thought Leaders Convene to Help ASME Focus its Technology Port... Thought Leaders Convene to Help ASME Focus its Technology Portfolio(Left to right) Technology Advisory Panel members Karen Stelling, Paul Cleri, Bharat Bhushan, Eduardo Barrientos and Caleb Amy were among the thought leaders who met at the ASME New York headquarters on March 4 to help ASME identify technologies that would serve as the basis for its technology portfolio. (Photos by Wil Haywood, ASME Public Information) Earlier this month, ASME brought together 20 thought leaders from companies and universities across the globe to help identify a core group of technologies the Society could focus on when creating products, programs and technical content in the future. The eventual selection of three to five new and enduring technologies to serve as the basis of ASMEs technology portfolio is a key component of the Societys new strategy, ASME NOW, which is i ntended to establish ASME as the go-to organization for solving the worlds technology challenges.The group of 20 high-level volunteers, named the Technology Advisory Panel (TAP), met at the New York headquarters of ASME on March 4 for the daylong workshop. The meeting, which was facilitated by Anne House Henrich of Cardinal Consulting and ASMEs director of market intelligence Svetlana Shaknes, employed a structured, focus-group styled format called the Delphi Method to help the participants through the selection process.The TAP meeting was the third step in the initiative, which began in January when an 18-member Staff Technology Team was formed to begin the technology identifying process, reducing a list of mora than 2,600 individual technologies to the 50 deemed most relevant for achieving ASMEs strategic objectives. In February, a survey was then sent to 125,000 Society members and qualified content contributors, whose input helped the staff team select the 24 technologies that t he TAP members were asked to review based on their relevancy to ASME as well as mechanical engineering and market-related parameters. Show of hands Members of the panel vote on which technologies should remain on the list as the meetings co-facilitator, Anne House Henrich (third from left), tallies the results during the Technology Advisory Panel meeting.By the end of the lively meeting in New York, the panel had narrowed the list of 24 technologies down to the 13 they saw as most germane to ASME manufacturing (including additive manufacturing/3D printing and digital design and manufacturing) robotics gas turbines renewable energy (including energy storage) autonomous/unmanned vehicles bioengineering nuclear power distributed generation pressure technology, environmental engineering smart grid energy efficiency and aerospace.One important way that the members of the group were able to arrive at their final list was by concluding early on in the workshop that some of the original 24 technologies - such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, STEM education, and nanotechnology - could be viewed as areas that enabled or supported the 13 technologies they ultimately selected.I think one of the main things we decided to do was to refine the process when everybody saw that some of the technologies were supportive and that this was more of a matrix than a direct list, TAP member Karen Stelling, a prof of practice at the University of NebraskaLincoln, said after the meeting. Once we could agree on that in the morning, we actually changed our direction and then I think it made everything shake out pretty well from there. Thats when we were able to make progress. Meeting co-facilitator Svetlana Shaknes (third from left) assists TAP members Steven Wallace, Tommy Gardner and Jeffrey Korengel as they prepare to assess the 24 technologies. Eduardo Barrientos, another member of the panel, concurred. The group realized that these supporting or cross-cutting te chnologies would be systematically embedded in all the other technologies as we develop products and services around those technologies, said Barrientos, a technology system engineer at General Motors PowertrainEurope. I think that made it simpler for the group to focus. Thats when we were able to really prioritize.The next step for the Staff Technology Team will be to conduct strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) analysis of the 13 selected technologies in order to further narrow the list to five technologies, which will be presented to the Board of Governors for approval by June 1.Panel member Bharat Bhushan said he was pleased with the outcome of the days activities. I was glad to see that ASME, the volunteer organization and the staff, felt the need to look at what is it they need to be doing, where they need to be focusing, said Dr. Bhushan, Ohio Eminent Scholar and the Howard D. Winbigler Professor at the Ohio State University. It was an effort worth doing, and its good that they invited 20 volunteers from all over the world. ASME members come with a diverse hintergrund to bring in a room in a democratic way. Dr. Bhusan went on to say that he believes ASME should regularly revisit the technologies - perhaps as often as every few years - because of the constantly progressing nature of technology. (Left to right) Technology Advisory Panel members Jonathan Jennings, James Klausner and John Elter discuss their selections during the meeting. Laurent Fabry, global strategic account director at T.D. Williamson in Belgium, also commended ASME on the diversity of the group that had been assembled for the meeting. We had early career, we had academia, and we had various types of industries, he said. It created, in the end, a good representation of the market and a good group for identifying the market needs. I think it was also a privilege to be called upon and to be humbly representing the industry we serve.Barrientos commended ASMEs leaders for th eir efforts to develop a strategy that would be beneficial for the Society. Focusing around certain key technologies and then around markets is going to allow us to be more effective, he said. Its going to allow us to work together to look at the problems and actually organize ourselves in a better way so we can provide a better service for humankind. The other Technology Advisory Panel members who took part in the meeting were Caleb Amy, a graduate student from Georgia Institute of Technology Judith Bamberger from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory John Elter of Sustainable Systems LLC Tommy Gardner of Jacobs/CTO Mission Solutions Robert Hauck of GE Medical Systems Healthcare Ralph Hill of Hill Engineering Solutions LLC Jonathan Jennings, a student at the University of Missouri James F. Klausner from Michigan State University Jeffrey Korengel of ConAgra Foods Tim Lieuwen from Georgia Tech Brian Paul from Oregon State University Ravi Prasher from Lawrence Berkeley National Labora tory John Voeller of Black Veatch and Steven Wallace of Boeing Research and Technology. ASME staff members John Koehr, Raj Manchanda, Christine Reilley and Paul Cleri, who are members of the Staff Technology Team, also served as panel members during the meeting.

Friday, December 20, 2019

6 signs you are stupidly bored with your job

6 signs you are stupidly bored with your job6 signs you are stupidly bored with your jobThough its unrealistic to expect complete satisfaction 24/7 in our careers, if youre constantly drumming your fingers, yawning in meetings and finding every excuse to do anything but work - your boredom might be reaching dangerous heights. Youre bedrngnis the only one who lacks luster at the workplace, considering a recent survey found that 43% of employees feel blase while on the clock. Some periods of disenchantment are normal, but workplace expert Amy Cooper Hakim, Ph.D. says continued fatigue can lead to burnout-syndrom - fast.Even the CEO of an organization has some mundane tasks that bore him or her. But, ideally, we scatter the chore type work amongst fun and interesting tasks, so that the majority of our workday is enjoyable, meaningful and productive, she shares. When you are bored at work, you are less likely to submit quality work and are mora likely to goof off. You may not perform a s well or as consistently.Do you worry your current gig has lost its appeal? Here, career experts give the undeniable signs its time to seek a new opportunity or make a change ASAPYou constantly watch the clockWe all have those days where the caffeine hits just right and youre zooming through emails, sending out projects and killing it in every meeting. And then there are days when nothing is grooving and you feel like youve retreated back to your entry-level performance days. Heres the deal if youre tuned-in to the clock, praying for the minutes to pass faster, youre not engaged with your work.Career coach Cheryl Palmer explains work days will become increasingly agonizingly slow when you dont fill your hours with tasks that interest you. Instead of counting down the clock, volunteer to help someone else. If your work is boring, you can probably do it quickly and then have time to help someone else on the job who is really busy, she recommends.You constantly zone outMuch like in mi ddle school math class - where algebra just wasnt your jam - if youre daydreaming about the weekend, cooking dinner or your upcoming vacation during meetings, youre bound to drop the ball. Zoning out is usually an indicator that youre not invested, which should be a signal for you to raise your hand for more responsibility.As Hakim suggests, ask if you might learn a new job or help someone out with a new project, just to change the pace a bit. This brief break from the mundane affords you an opportunity to learn a new skill or to help out a coworker, she explains.You only do the minimum requiredTheres nothing worse than hiring an employee to assist your team and they begrudgingly meet the requirements, without giving an ounce of additional effort to position the company for success. You know how much resentment breeds from working with someone who does the bare minimum, so when you start to deliver less than stellar work, its a red flag of boredom. Palmer says first and foremost, its not enough to meet deadlines - but rather, to exceed expectations if you want to propel your career forward. After all, until you prove you can handle the tedious tasks, you wont be trusted to explore more creative pursuits.Its unlikely that you will be given more responsibility or challenge if you dont do the work that you have been hired to do well. Once you have established your reputation as a good worker, then you are in a position to ask the boss if you can take on a new challenge like being cross-trained to do another type of work which could be more interesting to you, Palmer says.You goof off when you should be working.Dependent on your company culture, chatting about the latest celebrity gossip or asking for recommendations for a date night dinner place is welcomed conversation. But if you spend more of your hours Gchatting away about unrelated work topics, youre engaged with your team - but not your job. Hakim explains if you were interested in your tasks, you would not permit yourself to lose focus on your daily objectives.As a way to give yourself the time to socially connect, make a rule for yourself youll take a five-minute break every hour or so, and then its back to the grind. This self-discipline takes practice, but Hakim notes it can do wonders for your personal accountability.You spend a lot of time on non-work-related tasks while on the jobIf you know more about your best friend from high schools wedding than you do about this quarters sales projections, your idle hands might be disrupting your workflow. Though the social media landscape has fundamentally shifted many company policies, when youre at the office, you should still give your utmost attention to your gig - not your Instagram feed. As a way to omit distractions, Palmer suggests taking the initiative to go above and beyond whats required of you. This will help position you to become a more valuable employee and push you to commit to your work in a more effective manner.She adds this could include volunteering to serve on department-wide or organization-wide committees that serve the purpose of increasing organizational efficiency. Serving on such a committee can make you more visible in the organization and could potentially open doors for you in the future, she says.You scour online job sites regularlyWhen youre in a dysfunctional relationship thats unfulfilling, you might start noticing singles through a rose-colored lens. Or find yourself peeking over your pals shoulder while theyre Tindering. The same metric applies to job seeking if youre currently employed but have 10 job alerts from various sites, you likely arent digging your role anymore.We all want to feel challenged and important. If you are not satisfied at work, it may be a good idea to look for another opportunity. But, still, make sure to meet job expectations while you are on the clock. After all, you want to earn a good recommendation for that next position, Hakim suggests.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Overcoming Fear - Conquering Anxiety at the Job - The Muse

Overcoming Fear - Conquering Anxiety at the Job - The MuseOvercoming Fear - Conquering Anxiety at the Job The more I work with clients, the more I am convinced that some of the worst things that happen to us in the workplace are of our own making. When I say that, a couple of specific examples come to mind. For example, consider my client Liza, who tolerated zu sich mistakes being publicly called out by herbei manager and was terrified to confront him about it.And there was Mason, who almost quit a job because his boss never followed through with a commitment to give him a raise and promotion.Then, theres Teresa, who was overwhelmed in a new job and assumed shed made a big mistake by accepting the role. Each one of them was in severe pain- pain so bad they were ready to walk away from what were frankly great jobs The pain of those situations kept them frozen in one of the biggest workplace adversaries fear.Liza was terrified to confront her manager. She told me she didnt think she co uld get through the conversation without crying. Mason was indignant about not getting a promised raise but was scared to bring it up. After all, what if his boss said, Oh, sorry we really dont think youre worth it after all. And Teresa felt wholly inadequate. She feared being perceived as an imposter that she must not be as competent as the person who hired her thought she was. In each of these examples- and probably many that you can cite in your own career- fear kept people from taking action. Psychologists say that when we are in a state of fear, we compromise our ability to process thoughts and events rationally. Our brain wants to protect us by sending us in a direction away from the pain point. And Freuds pleasure principle suggests that in almost everything we do, our mission is to avoid pain. Think about it When youre in pain, are you likely to take a risk confronting a manager? Asking for that big raise that was never mentioned again? Or go tell a new boss you need help in a new job? Heck no In all these situations, the natural reaction is avoidance. Quit now Cut and run Pull up the covers and hideSo, how do you climb out of the fear morass and start taking steps to resolve these situations at work? Heres an easy three-step plan.Step 1 Analyze the FearDid you know that as humans, we are innately wired with only two fears the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling? Those fears are programmed into us to keep us safe and have been passed down through generations. What that means is that all of our other fears are learned fears. Theyre triggered by life experiences that stimulated fear at some point, and now, when were in similar situations, that learned fear is invoked again.If you really want to disarm your fear, name it. Get it out of the closet. Hang it out to dry. Research shows that when we bring our fears into the light of day, we can start making that fear extinct. To start shining a light on your fears, get out a journal and complete these sentencesIm afraid of (for example, getting fired from my job.)This fear is caused by (insecurity that results from not getting validated with praise or recognition.)As a result of not dealing with this fear, I am (completely stressed, not sleeping, and gaining weight.)If I take constructive steps to address this fear (I will have a much higher quality of work life.) Once you identify what fear is holding you back, youll have an easier time taking action to release it.Step 2 Make a Plan With Exposure Therapy TechniquesWhen psychologists work with patients to overcome the fear of say, spiders, they do so by taking gradual small steps. First they show them a picture of a spider. Then, they put the person in the room with a spider. Next, they etwas the spider with a feather, then with a gloved hand, then a bare hand, and finally they hold the spider. Its a process called exposure therapy This type of therapy rewires your brain around the fear you have and allows you to move past it. Yo u can do the same with your workplace fears, sans feathers and gloves. In Lizas case, we identified three actions she could take.First, she could ask her manager for a weekly meeting, since its hard to address a big issue without any other ongoing communication. Then, she determined that the weekly meeting agenda could include both a recap of her accomplishments and a discussion about where she needed help from her manager. This would engage them in a mutually supportive conversation.Finally, she could include a designated time to exchange feedback in that meeting. This would help open a healthy avenue for sharing feedback with her manager, where she could work toward addressing the issue of being called out in public. By using concepts from exposure therapy, you can drop the ultimatum-making (Ive got to quit that job) and instead, design your own exposure therapy regimen to confront your fear and take action. Step 3 ExecuteIn all three of these situations, we were able to design pl ans to help the employees overcome their fears- and once they acted on those plans, they were able to resolve the issues. When Liza conducted structured meetings with her manager, she was able to bring up her concern about being called out publicly for making mistakes. Once her manager was aware of her concerns, they were able to work together to develop a more effective solution. Mason resolved the raise and promotion issues after confronting an executive who was known for big promises and virtually no follow-up. And Teresa realized she had a lot more leverage in her new job than she thought, and she learned to use it to her advantage to get much more strategic visibility in her new job. All much better results than succumbing to fear and running away. Look at whats keeping you paralyzed in fear at work. Analyze that fear and use exposure therapy techniques to develop a plan and take action to resolve the situation at hand. Its not a comfortable process, but youll be surprised at w hats on the other side. Just ask all those people who used to be terrified of spiders. Photo of parachuting people courtesy of Shutterstock.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Secret Shortcuts to Resume Maker App Only Couple of People Know

Secret Shortcuts to Resume Maker App Only Couple of People Know Its possible to enter your social networking profile address for an extra point of contact. A resume builder is going to have you simply supply your information into a webpage. First you are going to want to supply your name, address, email address, and telephone number. Youll have to deliver some simple details on your resume. Key Pieces of Resume Maker App Microsoft Word resume templates are the most often used tool in the work hunting. Now you have these free Microsoft Word resume templates, youre one step closer to getting the ideal position. Templates can frequently be downloaded and then utilized in a word processor. You dont get aleidher chance. Resumizer free resume creator allows you to preview your resume at any stage in the creation practice. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better probability of standing from the crowd even supposing its mad e utilizing a template. As a consequence, it becomes a lot easier for us to incorporate the perfect elements into your resume, which consequently can definitely enhance the chance of your resume getting selected. Most Noticeable Resume Maker App Wizard tells you what should be filled inside each page. You have to just fill in the details within the wizard. My Resume Builder can help you create a fantastic resume with the support of its tools. So, it is very useful in creating an amazing ready-to-go resume. In addition, there are books solely written to assist you write amazing resumes. Whether youre a resume novice or expect, utilize the aforementioned resources to assist you in getting started in the application approach. The information that you include on your resume ought to be regarding the job which you are applying for. The very first key is to realize how resumes are organized. To start with, whenever the recruiters go through your resume, they receive a very firs t impression of your profile. There are quite a lot of places where youre able to acquire good resume examples. To compose a good resume it is helpful to use examples of different resumes. There are lots of examples of resumes, but you need to remain certain to create your resume and cover letter with your very own personal touch. The Benefits of Resume Maker App A lot of businesses are placing more importance in building an excellent company culture. So you need to be mindful when listing your job experiences. Submit the same resume for every single job. Its important to get your resume stand out from the work competition. Specifically if youd like to acquire an undertaking. The next professional resume template is appropriate for professional bankers, and its precisely what you want. Whether you will need a resume at this time or if youre making one proactively, theres a choice to suit your wants. There are different choices to take into account when it has to do with putting together an online resume. Resume Maker App - What Is It? Apply numerous search filters for the kind of company and position you are looking for. Share your work when youre completely delighted with your entwurf and work, you can share it to the world via your social networking accounts, personal site, or various different channels you might utilize. With a couple free on-line solutions, the procedure can be made a bit easier. The work search may be a lengthy process just examine the statistics below Up in Arms About Resume Maker App? Lets look at a mixture of free Google Docs and Microsoft Word templates. Resume creators make it possible for jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes right from the world wide web to get started applying immediately. Over 1000 million folks are using 9Apps. If you wish to make a resume, utilize this app to earn a professional resume. The Secret to Resume Maker App Read More is a fantastic way to introduce prospective e mployers to what you could do. The URL may also be shared with potential employers. The Secret to Resume Maker App Additionally, try to explain why you are the best candidate for the part. An example might be a niche skill needed for work, which you might happen to get, but may not be relevant to include for most jobs. Folks often compose a resume, since the purpose of it is to land work. The aim of a resume is to highlight your skills, experience and accomplishments that are related to the role you are interested in being in. Perhaps you have good qualifications, but you should prove it to the recruiters. When youve got no or very little knowledge in your preferred job profile you will need to convince the prospective employer by presenting your key abilities and qualifications. There are lots of approaches to create a one of a kind and professional resume online so you are going to be ready for your next employment application and interview. The service also provides many example CVs, dependent on the business, so youre able to secure some hints and ideas regarding how your CV should look, dependent on your career path. The Benefits of Resume Maker App VisualizeMe is another intriguing choice for job hunters searching for a visual resume. As an issue of fact, on an average, the majority of the recruiters do not start looking for over 6 seconds at a resume. Resume in an easy and printing tips that you are able to export to your job winning. To complement the very first tip above, be sure to first completely analyze each and every job which you target.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Resume Writing for Introverts Cover Up

The Resume Writing for Introverts Cover Up The 30-Second Trick for Resume Writing for Introverts Have a few questions ready so that you can do what you can to keep the conversation flowing naturallywho knows, the possible employer might never realize youre an introvert An introverts strong listening skills can be helpful in one-on-one meetings, and can likewise be helpful in sales-related positions. When it has to do with looking for work, its simple to see shyness as something that could hold you back. Even if the interview goes smoothly, an introvert could wind up tanking it because of the simple fact they gave off a nervous vibe since they were worried about what could fail. You have to make sure youre the perfect fit for the job and that the job is the correct fit for you. Its always best to learn what you can in regards to the position youre applying for because it permits you to share why you think thatll be an excellent fit. If youre an introvert and are searching for a job, understanding your very own personal strengths and having the capability to convert them into resume-ready skills which will help you land the position you would like is critical. Also, based on the workplace and degree of the job, you might encounter various varieties of interviews, some lasting a whole day or more. Writing out a resume or cover letter is a great chance for you to display your abilities. Preparing for your meeting will also give you the capacity to ask for what you desire. Resumes should be in the right format and offer information related to the work position. Students have to be sure they thoroughly understand the matter, and understand how to explain it to others. Bear in mind that needing quiet time for yourself isnt an indication that youre not suited for the job it is just a recognition and an honoring of how you prepare to do your very best work. An interview needs a considerable energy output for you. Whatever They Told You About Resume W riting for Introverts Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why There continue to be plenty of work at home job alternatives for you to pursue even when youre an introvert. If it is time to interview, candidates of both schriftarts should have had a great nights sleep and ought to be ready. Today, its especially pertinent to job seekers. You will discover suitable job position for you because youve got valuable skills in practically any business. In addition, its the type of job that actually doesnt require you to be in a workplace. Everybody has a very first job. The more prepared you feel for an interview, the simpler it is going to be to stay calm and confident once you walk in the interview room. If you know what things to expect, you are not as likely to freeze and truly feel uncomfortable during the interview. Additionally, interviews typically have some traditional questions, so make certain to practice your answers to lessen nerves, she states. Being alone before the intervi ew will supply you with energy, while being alone afterward permits you to recharge. When it regards the interview procedure, however, we must create methods to let our masterful skills speak for all of us. Employing an expert to compose your resume may well be the ideal method of ensuring that youre positioned as a superior candidate. Just be certain you are interviewing for work which is likely to make the maximum usage of your natural strengths. So its important to think about which job is probably to suit your personality and the way you work best. If youre standing by yourself, someone is a great deal more likely to approach you and begin a conversation if youre smiling genuinely and standing with open, welcoming body language. So as you dont need to stuff your resume with key words, it is necessary to optimize it with a couple relevant keyword phrases. As a consequence, their resumes languish at the base of the applicant pile. From time to time, students will be paid p er word, though other clients might need to set a level rate per article.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Free Resume App Options

Free Resume App Options Up in Arms About Free Resume App? Purpose of your resume is to receive a job. Professional Resume is quite important for each and every job seekers. You will receive the opportunity to create winning resumes online each time you make usage of our builder. You may think that there are already dozens of free resume building services out there in the internet world. A great method to get started is with a resume builder. Resume Maker is a top-notch app that enables you to make appealing CV with minimum work. Using resume samples can be exceedingly valuable. Flip PDF is just one of the most popular e-pamphlet makers all around the world. Create a free resume and youll be well on your way to finding your iverstndigung im strafverfahren match in the expert world When you are in need of an absolutely free resumeprogram, it is possible to find lots of good ones on the internet or within lots of the word processing programs. The most significant thing yo u will need to understand about making your own resume is that it should be prioritized. There are some of the means by which you may have a resume that is guaranteed for success. You can also check at any of the samples of several types of resumes for various kinds of careers. As should you know How to compose a resume. Infographic resumes become far more well-known. You must select the best internet job portals which are really worth applying for. You cannot prepare a single resume for many kinds of jobs. Its rather simple to apply jobs online with very simple steps because there are a wide range of sites, which is offering the jobs which you might want to utilize for. Its quite simple to apply jobs online with very simple steps since there are a variety of sites, which is offering the jobs that you might want to apply for. The Characteristics of Free Resume App In conclusion, Resumes is one of the ideal alternatives to provide a good deal of thought to although willi ng to help to create an extraordinary CV. They are very foreseeable in features and data, however, many choices must be produced. While My Excellent Resume offers you the terminology, it cant supply you with all the details essential to create your continue standout. Free Resume App Ideas If this is the case, you will need to find some good resume writing tips that give best outcomes. Resume writing tips allow you to understand the proper techniques of resume writing. Checking out suitable examples about how to compose a resume is the very best method to acquire the understanding of how to put one together. Deciding a great design template is equally as important of course if you wish to be thinking to use it, you ought to use the most suitable one. The Benefits of Free Resume App Resume writing is an intimidating endeavor for everybody. Make certain that you produce a crystal clear summary that provides the reader a notion of who you are and what you have to give. The su mmary also has to be one that captures the interest of the reader. How to Choose Free Resume App There are a lot of reasons why templates are important in regards to resume creation. You are going to be happy to know that there are going to be examples of resumes that you are able to look at to receive a notion of the greatest template to use. Each resume template ought to be related to the vacant position and shouldnt sound generic. There are various templates that youre able to use to develop the resume. Things You Wont Like About Free Resume App and Things You Will In case youre looking for employment, odds are you know you call for a great resume. In the current competitive world, although it seems challenging to acquire your fantasy job, by knowing some techniques and taking extra efforts, you can create your dreams come true. The Appeal of Free Resume App You are able to also share the CV with different apps. To begin with, as soon as the recruiters go through your resume, they receive a very first impression of your profile. You are able to also share the resume with different apps. With the aid of our Resume Builder and CV Builder app you are able to come across resumes to create professional looking absolutely free resumes.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Boost Your Job Search Confidence in 5 Simple Steps

Boost Your Job Search Confidence in 5 Simple StepsBoost Your Job Search Confidence in 5 Simple StepsBoost Your Job Search Confidence in 5 Simple StepsMove closer to your career goals with small, simple daily steps. TWEETHow many times can you hop on one foot in 30 seconds? Quick Whats your best guess? Right about now, the overwhelming majority of you ventured a guess of maybe 20 hops.I would like for you to humor me and actually try this right now. Yes, wherever you are (within reason) hop on one foot for exactly 30 seconds. You will most likely find it difficult to get a number that is lower than 70. My count welches 82. I dont know about you, but that gave me pause.This exercise illustrates confidence. Not the kind that comes from pumping your chest as you look in the mirror, but one that springs from knowing, deep inside, that you have the capacity and the willpower to accomplish what is important to you.Do you find yourself to be your worst critic? Do you sometimes talk yourself out of an opportunity, even though you have the necessary experience and qualifications? Have you ever had a difficult time motivating yourself to try again after a string of rejections?Imagine if there was a way to take back that I can do this feeling?Actually, you dont have to imagine it. The key, as Jane McGonigal, a PhD and the author of SuperBetter describes it, may be in binnenseeking out and completing small, simple daily tasks. Researchers call it committed action taking the smallest daily steps that align with your values and goals. Committing to your daily actions is a profound way to remind yourself that you have the power to do one simple thing every day that brings you one step closer to your goal TWEET no matter how busy, exhausted, or stressed you might feel that day.However, picking just any item from your to-do list wont do the trick. Designing your small daily tasks for maximum impact takes a bit of soul-searching, because in order to move you closer to your goal , they must meet five criteria.They must be specific.In other words, you must know exactly what must be done to complete the task.They must be realistic.The mini-goal must seem reasonably possible to achieve given your current skill level and resources.They must be adaptive.In other words, they must allow for you to practice a key skill, so that you can challenge yourself to a bigger stretch later. Choosing adaptive tasks means that you get an opportunity to learn something new, or improve on an important skill that will set you up for success in the long run. Think of it in terms of this career advice every cover letter you write, and every interview question you answer becomes an opportunity to get better at getting hired. No matter how you define your own adaptive task, you must be able to honestly say that it moves you in the right direction.They must have meaning.You must see how every task fits into your overall path towards your goal or dream. Choosing meaningful tasks is abo ut aligning them with your values. A value isnt something you can get or accomplish it is a way of being that brings purpose to your life TWEETResearch shows that when actions are guided by values, one finds it easier to be motivated and energized, even if the path is difficult, painful, terrifying, or boring.They must be fun.There has to be something fundamentally interesting, creative, or exciting about the task. You dont often see this one as a requirement for an effective goal, but fun has several surprising benefits. Planning to have fun can be a powerful state of mind that allows you to enjoy at least something about the task. It is simple to do - just ask yourself, What portion of the task can I enjoy? or What is exciting about this? Framing a task as fun can have another bonus it can help you avoid procrastination. The idea behind combining all those task features is to set yourself up for a boost in motivation and confidence, while also moving you a step closer to your de sired end goal.Lets look at an example to help you get started.Daniel is a PR professional in his early 40s. After a career in the military, followed by three PR jobs in the gaming industry, he was laid off when his marketing department was downsized to a single person. Daniel was having a difficult time staying motivated and energized through his year and a half long search for the next opportunity. When asked what he loved most about his PR experience, he talked about his passion for solving the marketing puzzle in creative and unexpected ways, even on a tight budget. He also missed the connection with his peers, and the feeling that he was adding value and being of tafelgeschirr. Applying the criteria for daily goals to his challenge, Daniel re-framed his to-do list as followsReach out to three contacts daily. This goal was concrete (send an e-mail or call three people), and realistic (Daniel had a large network of contacts, both professional and personal). He got an opportunity to practice his pitch and get better at it, framed the request in line with his values (wanting to be of service), and enjoyed the human connection that resulted, regardless of whether the person he spoke to had an eye on an opportunity that was the right fit.Volunteer. As a talented mechanic, Daniel offered his services to a friend who needed help with car repairs for one hour every morning. Although seemingly irrelevant to the job search, this task was the main reason Daniel got out of bed in the morning, even when the progress on the job search front appeared to be stalling. Daniel knew exactly what he had to do (show up at his friends garage at 8 AM every morning), the commitment was reasonable given his schedule and allowed him to practice his mechanic skills. Most importantly, it spoke to his deep-seated desire to add value and be of service and was genuinely fun for him to do.Daniel landed a job at a firm that was a perfect fit for his skills and experience, and is happily em ployed as a PR superhero today. When reflecting on his unemployment days, he credits the garage project as something that gave him a purpose, hope and motivation to press on through an otherwise bleak time. Sometimes, having to be somewhere at 8 AM every morning is what you need.Heres one final piece of career advice consider looking at your own to-do list right now, and if you dont already have one task that sets you up for success in the long run, create one. You will find that even one task framed and aligned the right way has the power to lift your spirits and boost your confidence.What will you try?Ready to find your dream job? Hire a TopResume writer today

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Get Started Modeling in Asia

How to Get Started Modeling in AsiaHow to Get Started Modeling in AsiaOne of the most important markets for new and even experienced models is Asia. Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Taipei, and other Asian markets are considered must-stops for models looking to develop their skills and build strong books with professional modeling tearsheets. Once a model has successfully worked in Asia they officially become a professional model and significantly increase their chances of getting signed to a big agency in New York, Milan, Paris, London, and other major markets. It is also much easier to get working papers and visasthat allow the model to work in other countries. Types of Models Working in Asia As with any modeling market, modeling agencies in Asia look for different types of models. Agencies in Asia represent male and female models, child models, editorial and commercial models. One of the best things about model agencies and clients in Asia is that they will work with models who are shorter or smaller than models normally working in the U.S. or European markets. The height of female models can abflug at 5 6, and male models can start at 5 10. It is possible for models to be even shorter and still find work in Asia. Rather than concentrating on just a models height, agencies look at the total package the model presents, such as excellent skin, hair, teeth, and a good personality. Previous Modeling Experience Not Necessary It is not a requirement that you have previous modeling experience to work in Asia however, every little bit helps. It is recommended that you have some understanding of how to work on platzdeckchen with photographers and stylists, and do at least three to four test shoots (or some local work in your hometown) before attempting the Asian market. Agencies Will Advance Travel Expenses Almost all agencies in Asia will offer to advance your airline ticket and accommodation expenses. The agency will also advance the cost of your com posite cards, website fees, and some spending money. Agencies are willing to advance travel expenses to help get you started and you will be expected to pay the agency back once you start booking jobs. If you do not earn enough to pay the agency back then the agency will absorb the loss and you will not be required to pay them back from your own pocket. Agencies can also offer a model a Guarantee. A guarantee is a set amount of income that the model will be guaranteed to earn whether or not the model actually earns that amount. When a model becomes popular with the agencys clients or becomes an important model with good tearsheets and experience in markets like New York, Paris, and Milan, a models guarantee can range anywhere from $20,000 to $30,000 U.S. dollars and up. Top models can receive guarantees of over $150,000 U.S. just for a two-month stay. Parents Can Travel With Younger Models Parents are welcome to travel with a model who may be traveling for the first time or is u nder 18 years of age. Agencies are very used to this and it is never a problem. Parents will be expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses and may choose to stay only a couple of weeks or for the entire contract. Market Is Busy All Year Round Some modeling markets are only good to travel to during a particular time of year. However, the Asian market can be busy all year. The summer months are usually the most competitive because so many high school students go during that time, so if you can travel during the spring, fall or winter you may actually book more modeling jobs. Two Month Contracts Models are usually offered a two-month contract however, the actual amount of time the model will stay will depend on how many bookings they receive and how clients are responding to them. How to Get Represented by Asian Agencies We dont recommend that you tackle the modeling market in Asia on your own or before you have a good mother agency behind you. It is alwa ys best to have a mother agency promoting you to international markets. A good mother agent will know what the best agencies are for your particular look and how to plan and manage your career for the long-term. Also, since there are legal documents, travel visas, and other contracts that need to be reviewed, an experienced mother agent can be invaluable in helping you understand what everything means. If you do not have a mother agent, a great place to start is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

8 Motivating Books to Make You a More Driven Professional

8 Motivating Books to Make You a More Driven Professional 8 Motivating Books to Make You a More Driven Professional No matter what career stage you’re in, you might be in a seeking phase- seeking upward mobility through a promotion, seeking a new job within your chosen career field, or seeking a new career entirely. Whether you’re just beginning your career or you’re ready to make a significant career shift in the second act of life, you may be wishing for some career advice and motivation. But where can you go for much-needed advice? The good news is there are many motivating books that offer inspirational advice about career advancement and that can help guide you through a career transition. Check out these eight motivating books to read as you navigate through your career path: The 2-Hour Job Search Author: Steve Dalton The 2-Hour Job Search offers a step-by-step guide to getting to the ever-important first interview. The book is based on a science-based process that carves specific steps to a job search into “manageable pieces, each requiring at most 15 minutes, to help those looking for work conduct the best job search possible.” Getting from College to Career: 90 Things to do Before You Join the Real World Author: Lindsey Pollak When you’re just starting out, it can seem like you have to climb mountains before you reach your career destination. How do you obtain your career with no experience beyond your college education? This guide informs you on building experience, skills, and the confidence necessary to land your first post. The book includes 90 action points and strategies to secure a career position. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead and Lean In for Graduates Author: Sheryl Sandberg Sheryl Sandberg is Facebook’s COO, founder of, and the author of several books stemming from her highly acclaimed TED talk, “Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders.” Sandberg offers career advice in her most recent books Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead and Lean In for Graduates. In both books, Sandberg offers negotiation techniques and tips for building a career you love. In Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, she offers specific guidance and steps for women to obtain career success and personal fulfillment. Lean In for Graduates  includes the complete text from the original bestseller and new chapters on finding your first career position, negotiating your salary, and leaning in for women of color as well as millennial men. The book also includes stories from young professionals around the world who have achieved their career goals. Second-Act Careers: 50+ Ways to Profit from Your Passions During Semi-Retirement Author: Nancy Collamer Ah, the second act of life. A comfortable retirement is the hope of many who have spent most of their lives working. However, working during retirement may still be a reality- not only to continue to earn money but also to remain mentally acute and physically active. This motivating book is designed to help you identify your personal passions that could allow you to continue earning. The book will guide you to “create a profitable and meaningful semi-retirement on your own terms and in your own way.” Love Your Job: The New Rules for Career Happiness Author: Kerry Hannon What happens when your dream career turns into a monotonous drone of endless tasks after years on the job? This motivating book is designed to help you re-engage and re-motivate yourself to love your work again. Through simple techniques, you’ll learn how to get your head back in the game, which can lead to further advancement in your career. The book will help you develop new work habits, celebrate your successes, identify negative patterns, and engage in an entrepreneurial spirit again. What Color Is Your Parachute? Job-Hunters Workbook Author: Richard N. Bolles What Color Is Your Parachute? Job-Hunter’s Workbook  offers user-friendly exercises to identify your personal interests and form them to marketable career skills. Through a series of simple worksheets, you’ll identify your values and goals as well as your transferable skills that will help you pinpoint your career path. Once you’ve completed the workbook, you’ll have a clear vision of your dream job. Bolles has written numerous motivating books on identifying your true career path. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In Authors: Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton Every career will require some level of negotiation skills. Whether it’s getting a job offer or negotiating your entry salary or future promotions, Getting to Yes is based on the work of the Harvard Negotiation Project, a group that deals with all levels of negotiation and conflict resolution. This guide offers the necessary steps to learning the art of negotiation to see you through any personal or professional dispute. In the market for a new job? Check out the top 100 companies with remote jobs.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

10 ways ridiculously successful people think differently

10 ways ridiculously successful people think differently 10 ways ridiculously successful people think differently Successful people come from all walks of life, yet they all have one thing in common: where others see impenetrable barriers, they see challenges to embrace and obstacles to overcome.Their confidence in the face of hardship is driven by their ability to let go of the negativity that holds so many otherwise sensible people back.Obstacles do not block the path; they are the path.This perspective helps successful people to think differently to everyone else, which is important, because if you think like everyone else, no matter how smart or experienced you are, you’ll hit the same ceiling. By thinking outside the box and going against the grain, successful people rise above their limitations.We all know how important it is to approach problems with radical optimism and creativity, but this is easier said than done. In a study conducted at Adobe, 96% of employees identified creativity as essential to their success, both in terms of their income and the value they bring to the world. Wh at’s more, 78% wished they were capable of thinking differently, believing that they would progress through their careers more quickly if they did.Too often we attribute creative and “different” thinking to natural, innate characteristics that belong only to the lucky. The truth is that you can study how ridiculously successful people think and incorporate their approach into your repertoire.They’re confidentIf only we knew of all the great ideas that never came to fruition because people lacked the confidence to put them into action. Successful people confidently act on their ideas, because they know that a failed idea is not a reflection of their ability; instead, they see it as a wonderful learning opportunity.They’re composedUltra-successful people are composed, because they constantly monitor their emotions and understand them and they use this knowledge in the moment to react with self-control to challenging situations. When things go downhill, they are persistently calm and frustratingly content (frustrating to those who aren’t, at least). They know that no matter how good or bad things get, everything changes with time. All they can do is to adapt and adjust to stay happy and in control.They’re honestSuper-successful people trust that honesty and integrity, though painful at times, always work out for the best in the long run. They know that honesty allows for genuine connections with people and that lying always comes back to bite you in the end. In fact, a Notre Dame study showed that people who often lied experienced more mental health problems than their more honest counterparts.They seek out small victoriesSuccessful people like to challenge themselves and to compete, even when their efforts yield only small victories. Small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. This increase in androgen receptors enhances the influence of testosterone, which further increases their co nfidence and eagerness to tackle challenges. When you achieve a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.They’re always learningSuper-successful people often know more than others do, because they’re constantly trying to learn. They vow to constantly grow, and they fill every spare moment with self-education. They don’t do this because it’s “the right thing to do”; they do it because it’s their passion. They’re always looking for opportunities to improve and new things to learn about themselves and the world around them. Instead of succumbing to their fear of looking stupid, truly exceptional people just ask the questions on their mind, because they would rather learn something new than appear smart.They expose themselves to a variety of peopleThere’s no easier way to learn to think differently than spending time with someone whose strengths are your weaknesses or whose ideas are radically different from your own. This exposure sp arks new ideas and makes you well rounded. This is why we see so many great companies with co-founders who stand in stark contrast to each other. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak from Apple were a prime example. Neither could have succeeded without the other.They keep an open mindExposing yourself to a variety of people is useless if you spend that time disagreeing with them and comforting yourself with your own opinions. Successful people recognize that every perspective provides an opportunity for growth. You need to practice empathy by putting yourself in the other person’s shoes so that you can understand how their perspective makes sense (at least, to them). A great way to keep an open mind is to try to glean at least one interesting or useful thing from every conversation you have.They’re fearlessFear is nothing more than a lingering emotion that’s fueled by your imagination.  Danger  is real. Danger is the uncomfortable rush of adrenaline you get when you almost step in fro nt of a bus; fear is a choice. Exceptional people know this better than anyone does, so they flip fear on its head. Instead of letting fear take over, they’re addicted to the euphoric feeling they get from conquering their fears.They turn tedious tasks into gamesEvery job entails some degree of tedium. For most people, tedium leads to sloppy, rushed work. Only the most successful people find ways to make the tedious interesting. By turning tedious work into a game, they challenge themselves and produce high-quality work, making things interesting in the process.They dream big but remain groundedSuccessful people reach for the seemingly impossible, but they do so in a way that is actionable and realistic. While you may not know exactly how you’re going to achieve your dream, you need to make progress no matter how small the steps. For example, Elon Musk’s goal at SpacEx is to “Occupy Mars.” While this is a big dream, Musk keeps it realistic by engaging in regular steps that , some day, may get him there. SpacEx just landed a rocket upright on a boat in the ocean for the first time ever. It’s a far cry from colonizing Mars, but it’s an essential step in the process.Bringing it all togetherThe above behaviors can make any of us more successful if we use them every day. Give them a try, and see where they take you.Travis Bradberry  is the co-author of  Emotional Intelligence 2.0  and the cofounder of  TalentSmart. This article first appeared at LinkedIn. 10 ways ridiculously successful people think differently Successful people come from all walks of life, yet they all have one thing in common: where others see impenetrable barriers, they see challenges to embrace and obstacles to overcome.Their confidence in the face of hardship is driven by their ability to let go of the negativity that holds so many otherwise sensible people back.Obstacles do not block the path; they are the path.This perspective helps successful people to think differently to everyone else, which is important, because if you think like everyone else, no matter how smart or experienced you are, you’ll hit the same ceiling. By thinking outside the box and going against the grain, successful people rise above their limitations.We all know how important it is to approach problems with radical optimism and creativity, but this is easier said than done. In a study conducted at Adobe, 96% of employees identified creativity as essential to their success, both in terms of their income and the value they bring to the world. Wh at’s more, 78% wished they were capable of thinking differently, believing that they would progress through their careers more quickly if they did.Too often we attribute creative and “different” thinking to natural, innate characteristics that belong only to the lucky. The truth is that you can study how ridiculously successful people think and incorporate their approach into your repertoire.They’re confidentIf only we knew of all the great ideas that never came to fruition because people lacked the confidence to put them into action. Successful people confidently act on their ideas, because they know that a failed idea is not a reflection of their ability; instead, they see it as a wonderful learning opportunity.They’re composedUltra-successful people are composed, because they constantly monitor their emotions and understand them and they use this knowledge in the moment to react with self-control to challenging situations. When things go downhill, they are persistently calm and frustratingly content (frustrating to those who aren’t, at least). They know that no matter how good or bad things get, everything changes with time. All they can do is to adapt and adjust to stay happy and in control.They’re honestSuper-successful people trust that honesty and integrity, though painful at times, always work out for the best in the long run. They know that honesty allows for genuine connections with people and that lying always comes back to bite you in the end. In fact, a Notre Dame study showed that people who often lied experienced more mental health problems than their more honest counterparts.They seek out small victoriesSuccessful people like to challenge themselves and to compete, even when their efforts yield only small victories. Small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. This increase in androgen receptors enhances the influence of testosterone, which further increases their co nfidence and eagerness to tackle challenges. When you achieve a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.They’re always learningSuper-successful people often know more than others do, because they’re constantly trying to learn. They vow to constantly grow, and they fill every spare moment with self-education. They don’t do this because it’s “the right thing to do”; they do it because it’s their passion. They’re always looking for opportunities to improve and new things to learn about themselves and the world around them. Instead of succumbing to their fear of looking stupid, truly exceptional people just ask the questions on their mind, because they would rather learn something new than appear smart.They expose themselves to a variety of peopleThere’s no easier way to learn to think differently than spending time with someone whose strengths are your weaknesses or whose ideas are radically different from your own. This exposure sp arks new ideas and makes you well rounded. This is why we see so many great companies with co-founders who stand in stark contrast to each other. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak from Apple were a prime example. Neither could have succeeded without the other.They keep an open mindExposing yourself to a variety of people is useless if you spend that time disagreeing with them and comforting yourself with your own opinions. Successful people recognize that every perspective provides an opportunity for growth. You need to practice empathy by putting yourself in the other person’s shoes so that you can understand how their perspective makes sense (at least, to them). A great way to keep an open mind is to try to glean at least one interesting or useful thing from every conversation you have.They’re fearlessFear is nothing more than a lingering emotion that’s fueled by your imagination.  Danger  is real. Danger is the uncomfortable rush of adrenaline you get when you almost step in fro nt of a bus; fear is a choice. Exceptional people know this better than anyone does, so they flip fear on its head. Instead of letting fear take over, they’re addicted to the euphoric feeling they get from conquering their fears.They turn tedious tasks into gamesEvery job entails some degree of tedium. For most people, tedium leads to sloppy, rushed work. Only the most successful people find ways to make the tedious interesting. By turning tedious work into a game, they challenge themselves and produce high-quality work, making things interesting in the process.They dream big but remain groundedSuccessful people reach for the seemingly impossible, but they do so in a way that is actionable and realistic. While you may not know exactly how you’re going to achieve your dream, you need to make progress no matter how small the steps. For example, Elon Musk’s goal at SpacEx is to “Occupy Mars.” While this is a big dream, Musk keeps it realistic by engaging in regular steps that , some day, may get him there. SpacEx just landed a rocket upright on a boat in the ocean for the first time ever. It’s a far cry from colonizing Mars, but it’s an essential step in the process.Bringing it all togetherThe above behaviors can make any of us more successful if we use them every day. Give them a try, and see where they take you.Travis Bradberry  is the co-author of  Emotional Intelligence 2.0  and the cofounder of  TalentSmart. This article first appeared at LinkedIn.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Infographic Impact of Your Online Reputation

Infographic Impact of Your Online Reputation Infographic Impact of Your Online Reputation 16When you’re applying for jobs, you might think that your job application (i.e., resume and cover letter) will speak volumes for your work experience, education, level of professionalism, and your hire-ability. And in part, that’s true. But did you know that the vast majority of hiring managers will look at your online reputation and social media presence (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.) to try and attain a complete picture of you even before they call you for a job interview? That’s why you should know where you stand- online that is. In the utterly adorable .Me infographic “Online Content Has Real Life Implications,” people were surveyed to see the impact of your online reputation- and believe us, it can make a huge difference in whether you’re hired for a position or not. Whether you’re busy job searching or, ahem, surfing through Facebook, more than half of people surveyed (53 percent, to be exact) have not monitored online information about themselves. Even scarier is that 79 percent of Americans state they haven’t done anything to even manage the info that’s online about them. Its not surprising, then, that only 22 percent of people found information that is exactly what they want to see. One in three people found that other people have shared their name and influenced content (negatively, one might assume) and 12 percent were unpleasantly surprised by the search results they found. Unfortunately, it tends to be when people find negative or incorrect info that they take the steps to do something about it. Of those who found erroneous information online, 77 percent have become proactive in monitoring online content about themselves. Some people suggested that creating a personal website (61 percent) could help manage their online reputation- or help, at least, buffer the bad info that’s currently out there. So let’s say you Google yourself and are less than thrilled with the results. Here are some steps you can take: 1. Try to get the info removed. Let’s say you were at a friend’s party and someone snapped an unflattering shot of you. To add insult to injury, the person then tagged you- and set the picture to public. If the information is traceable to a source (like social media, for example), by all means you should contact the person or company and fight to get it removed. There are service that can help you to clean up your online reputation, but they can be costly and there’s no guarantee everything will be removed. 2. Create new content. Despite your valiant efforts to remove the smudge from your online presence, there’s simply no way to get rid of it. The next best step is to bury the incriminating info with positive information instead. Create professional social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter and update them often. Consider creating a personal website- 61 percent of those surveyed in the .Me study said that can help clean up your reputation- or at least buffer the bad info that’s currently out there. 3. Be vigilant. If you haven’t set up Google alerts for your name, now’s the time. It’s fairly simple to do, and you’ll receive email alerts whenever your name (or anything else that you’ve set for your Google alerts) appears online. That way, if something bad shows up, you can tackle the problem right away, ideally before a hiring manager finds it. The impact of your online reputation can make all the difference when you’re job searching. So even though you might think it’s just one more thing to do in your never-ending list of job search responsibilities, monitoring- and correcting- your online reputation is a very necessary step towards landing the job you want. Readers, are you monitoring your online reputation? Did you ever find anything that had to be removed? Let us know what happened in the comments below!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Why Hard Work Isn#8217;t Enough to Succeed

Why Hard Work Isn#8217;t Enough to Succeed Why Hard Work Isn#8217;t Enough to Succeed One of the most common messages I received as a child was, Work hard, and you will be rewarded. This sentiment was echoed by loved ones, teachers, and mentors. Theres a good chance you, too, heard the same rumor about life being fair and equitable. Dont get me wrong: Hard work is a critical component of success. However, the fact is  that theres more to it than just hard work. This can be a tough lesson to learn, especially for young professionals. Even the Best  Workers Dont Always Get Rewarded Its not uncommon for a newly minted graduate to work harder than their colleagues do. They may even be smarter and contribute more new ideas. In some cases, they also save the company more money or generate more in sales. On the surface, it seems obvious: Im smarter. I work longer hours. I produce more revenue. I should be paid more. Right? Not necessarily. At least, not yet. After working for one to two years at a job,  many  young professionals begin to feel  frustrated. They have proven themselves. Theyve worked long hours. And theyve figured out just how much more their lazy coworker makes than they do. So, the young graduate  does what seems natural: They ask their boss for a raise. Theyre shocked to learn that its not in the cards for them â€" at least, not in the way they were hoping. Sadly, companies generally only give 2-4  percent raises annually. This is often  the case even if youre a great employee. Your future pay at  a company is almost always based on your current pay. Companies also want to ensure that employees have room to grow each year. If you receive the top pay available today, how will they incentivize you over the next five years? (Thats their reasoning, anyway.) Perception Counts Just as Much as Reality Often, your value is tied as much to  perception as it is to  reality. You may work hard at your desk for hours on end, but if no one knows about it, they wont know your true value. This perceived form of value is created through building relationships â€" with your boss, upper management, and your colleagues. Your value may also be tied to how rare your skills are. How difficult is it to replace you? How many people are available who can also do the same work? The more unique your skills are, the better. If those unique skills also generate a lot of  revenue for the company, youre even more likely to be perceived as irreplaceable. Just remember: Putting in your dues is where its at. Keep in mind the valuable experience youre gaining. When you were in college, you would have gladly worked for free. After youve put in your time and are ready to move up, consider moving on. Even the best employees are lucky to receive small raises. An external move can sometimes increase your overall pay by more than 30 percent at one time. And when you do receive your next offer, use your negotiation skills to get the best start possible. A version of this article originally appeared on  The Memphis Daily News.   Angela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm, Copeland Coaching.

Friday, November 15, 2019

13 Starbucks hacks you need to know now

13 Starbucks hacks you need to know now 13 Starbucks hacks you need to know now Admit it - you’re low-key obsessed with Starbucks. Starbucks is not just a restaurant - it’s a lifestyle. We wait year round for the infamous PSL (being labeled “basic,” be damned), know it’s time for Christmas when they start serving Gingerbread Lattes from Christmas cups, and look forward to summer with fruity, refreshing, and Insta-worthy iced teas.But it can be a pretty expensive obsession to have! With typical menu drinks costing about $3-$7, plus whatever add-ins you prefer, it can add up (especially if it’s a daily occurence!). However - it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s worth looking into how to get more bang for our (Star)buck, and how many options the trusty coffee chain and cafe really can offer us. Read on for the hacks that will save you time, money, and calories at Starbucks.1. Don’t  limit yourself to what’s on the menuIn fact, the most expert Starbucks-frequenters rarely order off the menu, to get their favorite drinks  and  to save money! Ch eck out  the secret menu  (yes, it really does exist!) or try these secret menu  drink concoctions that are all $3,  and never pay $5 for a coffee again! If you prefer lattes, order the cafe misto, which tastes the same (half coffee, half milk), but is significantly cheaper (and will save you calories!). More of a tea drinker? A chai latte misto is half steamed milk and half brewed chai tea, saving you money and sugar (you can also just  order a hot chai tea with steamed milk if the terminology weirds you out, and save about $2).2. Make your own drinks for a cheaper priceIced lattes are one of the most satisfying and refreshing drinks, but can get pricey, especially if you prefer them in Venti size instead of the Tall (don’t we all on Monday mornings?). Instead of ordering a latte, order a triple espresso over ice, in a Venti cup (with room for milk), and then go to the condiments area to fill up your coffee with milk, which makes an iced latte, but for a fraction of the cost. If you prefer your lattes hot, you can also order a Tall coffee with steamed milk (still cheaper than a latte!), or a Tall hot coffee in a Grande cup, and fill up on the milk at the condiments station - a Grande latte for the price of a Tall coffee!3. Never pay full price for two drinks during the same trip, againSpend a lot of workdays or meetings at Starbucks where you stay for hours and get multiple drinks? Or maybe just one cup of coffee for you doesn’t cut it? Anytime throughout the day (and in any size - Tall, Grande, or Venti), refill your cup with brewed coffee or tea for just 5o cents. Just know that “refills” only count as iced or hot coffee and iced or hot tea (but remember the tricks above to turn it into a latte!). Also an insider tip: you can get a 50 cent refill with coffee or tea, even if your original drink was not just brewed coffee or tea. So feel free to fill up on a Pumpkin Spice Latte and get a 50 cent extra pick-me-up of tea before you leave!4. Bring your own cupNot only will you be saving the planet, one  coffee cup  and plastic straw at a time, but you’ll also save 10 cents on your drink whenever you bring your own tumbler, cup, or mug. We love using an ever-so-chic mason jar with a lid, or - funny you should mention it - Starbucks has amazing reusable cups of their own. We love this  one, this  one, and this  one.5. Sign up for RewardsNormally I detest rewards programs at restaurants and stores - it’s just more spam emails and I probably spend more money than I save (it’s hard to resist a 30% sale or free pastry with purchase of drink). But at Starbucks, it is a  must  (and with no cons)! First of all,  it’s free to sign up  (did that convince you enough?), and  besides just having a ton of perks for being a reward member (hello, free birthday drink!), you also earn points for a number of things, like purchasing anything in store  and certain Starbucks items in grocery stores, that can be used for free food and drinks. Did we mention that it’s free?6. Don’t buy a water bottle!Never pay $3 for the plastic water bottle in the Starbucks fridge; just ask for a Venti iced water! You don’t have to worry about the water not being clean - Starbucks triple-filters their water and ice, so you know it’s as clean as possible and you could save some serious money. For an environmentally friendly option, you can also bring your own reusable bottle and ask Starbucks to fill it with water and ice, for free.7. Order a French Press Pot of coffeeGoing with friends or know you’ll want a few cups during your day at Starbucks? Order a French Press pot of coffee instead of individual cups. Each pot serves a few cups of coffee, but will be cheaper than buying each cup individually. Enjoy a pot with your friends, or get a serious caffeine buzz on your own (sometimes, we just need it!).8. Get the most out of your  iced drinkIf you’re getting an iced tea, ask for “no water.” Iced teas are typically watered down from the original pitcher into your cup, so asking for no water will make the brew stronger.  You can also ask for “light ice” (unless you prefer lots of ice). Ice is usually filled up much more than is necessary to keep the drink cold, limiting the volume of space the barista can fill the cup up with your favorite coffee drink or tea. Having light ice will give you more bang for your buck because you’ll be getting more of your drink, while still keeping it nice and cold.9. Be specific about your syrupI love the occasional PSL or Vanilla Latte as much as the next girl, but did you know that a Tall with sweetener has three pumps of syrup, a Grande has four pumps, and a Venti has five or six pumps? Just one pump is about 20 calories and 5 grams of sugar… are you keeping up with this math? That means just a Tall has 15 grams of sugar in the syrup alone. I don’t even want to think about how much is in a Venti! Asking for either one or two pumps per drink still gives the same flavor (we need that pumpkin spice!!) and sweetens up your drink, but if you order a Grande Vanilla Latte with two pumps vanilla syrup, you’d be saving 40 calories and 10 grams of sugar, for not much difference in taste.10. Ask for a sample so you never get a drink you dislike again!I don’t know about you, but I usually stick to the usual iced coffee, just so I don’t risk getting a drink that I end up not liking. But oh the possibilities out there in the Starbucks universe! Unless the store is super busy, the barista should be totally fine getting you a sample of a certain brew or drink, if you’re unsure whether or not you’d like it.11. Know all the sizesThought “Tall” was the smallest? Think again - “Short” is an 8oz size (“Tall” is 12oz), which clarifies that age-old confusion that “Tall” was the smallest size, when it counterintuitively sounds like the largest - it’s because “Short” is the size smaller. Clears up a lot, doesn’t it? If youâ €™re in the mood for a small drink, Short is cheaper than a Tall. The “Short” cappuccino has the same amount of espresso as the “Tall,” so if caffeine is your goal, opt for the cheaper options.12. Are you and a friend both getting a Frappucino? Get one Venti!A Venti size of your favorite sweet iced drink is about 24oz, while a Tall is 12oz. However, a Venti frappe is significantly cheaper than two Tall frappes would be (about $4 less, precisely). So instead of getting two, order the Venti size and ask for two Tall cups. Divide accordingly, and enjoy your frappucino with your friend, knowing you both saved money.13. No time to wait in line? Order through your cell phone!Using the Starbucks Mobile app, you can order ahead of time, and just go pick it up. No more waiting in long lines for your coffee! We’re busy women - we have much more important things to do.This article was originally published on The

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Tyler Cowen How to succeed in a complacent America

Tyler Cowen How to succeed in a complacent America Tyler Cowen How to succeed in a complacent America Disruption has been the story of the decade. But there’s another story that most people are missing. It involves stagnation and becoming complacent. You wouldn’t know it from reading the breathless news coverage of how Silicon Valley is supposedly upending all of our worlds, but the hard facts show that Americans actually have become more risk averse and more set in our ways in recent decades. We have become more segregated. And we have lost the pioneer spirit that made America succeed as the world’s most productive and innovative economy.[pullquote]Peace and high incomes tend to drain the restlessness out of people.[/pullquote]In short, many Americans have joined what in my new book I call “The Complacent Class.” To break the destructive habits we’ve formed as a society, we will need to understand where this complacency come from - and we will need to embrace innovation, change, and mobility to get ourselves out of our collective rut and back on track.Here’s how to su cceed, in life and in your career, in a complacent America.Here’s how we got into this mess - and how we can get out of it.We’re stuck at homeI see complacency as the single biggest emerging problem in American life. Americans are working harder than ever before to postpone change, or avoid it altogether. The truth is that peace and high incomes tend to drain the restlessness out of people. For all the revolutionary changes in information technology, big parts of our lives are staying the same.These days, Americans are less likely to switch jobs, less likely to move around the country, and, on a given day, less likely to go outside the house at all.For instance, the interstate migration rate has fallen 51% below its 1948-to-1971 average and has been falling steadily since the mid-1980s. You might think that information technology would make it easier to find a job on the other side of the country - and maybe it has, but that has not been the dominant effect. If anything, Ameri cans have used the dynamism of IT to help ourselves stay put, not to move around.We’re stuck at workThe data also show that job transitions are down. Despite talk of a “gig economy,” individuals are more likely to spend a long time with a single employer than ever before. In 1998, 44% of workers had five or more years on the job, but as of 2014, this number had increased to 51%. The percentage of workers with less than one year on the job had fallen from 28% to 21%. Partly, this is because America’s workforce is aging. But America’s employers have also put more emphasis on retaining workers, given how specialized many jobs are becoming. This specialization also makes it harder for employees to switch jobs.There also has been a decline in the number of start-ups, as a percentage of business activity, since the 1990s. America is creating start-ups at lower rates each decade, and a smaller percentage of those start-ups rise to prominence. There are fewer unicorn miracle growt h firms, there is less corporate churn and turnover of new firms replacing older firms, and there is a higher market concentration in the sectors where we can measure it.The average American is older than ever before, and so is the average U.S. business.Digital culture is making us all ‘matchers.’‘Matching’ is making us less dynamicOn top of our geographic and employment stasis, there is also much more pairing in our society today of like with like - known as “matching.” This applies to everything from marriage to the associations we join to the income levels of the neighborhoods in which we live.Better matching has a big influence on many parts of American lives. For instance, in the 1930s, one study showed that over a third of urban Americans married people who lived within five blocks. But for couples who married between 2005 and 2012, more than one-third of them met online. A side effect of this is that people are much more likely to marry someone of their same educ ational or income level - because they’re fishing from a bigger pond.The exact same sort of matching has come to define the workplace. More and more of the top talent is being clustered in the largest and most successful firms. Meanwhile, America’s productivity problem is coming from small and medium-size enterprises, not the market leaders.Technology has made it easier for better corporations to identify those workers with stronger skills, more demanding work ethics, and higher intelligence. And it’s made it easier for workers to identify the best companies. This results in a kind of segregation of the skilled, hardworking, and smart. This is good in some ways, but the downside is that the less-skilled workers rarely get a chance to learn from the best.Corporate culture has grown complacentThis new segregation has mostly been great for Silicon Valley. A troublemaker can’t just show up at Google and set up a desk and start working. The top American businesses enforce very s elective standards for hires. And of course it’s not enough to be good at your job. If a job candidate is suspected of being incompatible with the “culture,” he or she faces a very tough uphill climb.American businesses go to great lengths to measure the cooperativeness of potential employees. To do this, they often check job candidates’ credit scores - theoretically a measure of trustworthiness. This is now happening for about 60% of all hires.Big data is also being used in other ways to ensure a compliant workforce. One recent study by Xerox found that employees who belong to one or two social networks are likely to stay in their jobs for a longer time period than individuals who belong to four or more social networks. That correlation is now part of how Xerox thinks about hiring and building a cohesive community of workers.We’ve stopped being able to see the individualAs I think you already can sense, all the talk of “business morale” is often code for a kind of pr ofiling. Imagine you’re someone whose previous job required you to sign up for every major social media account. Or imagine you’d been stalked and had to cancel all of your social media accounts for that reason. I can assure you the hiring software at Xerox could not care less, because it will never know or grasp the details of your individual case.That’s the other downside to all of this. For all the benefits produced by the elite tech firms, in the longer run, a lot of businesses will end up less innovative. The best workers will get pulled into a relatively small number of companies and sectors.That’s been the story of America over the last few decades, as the productivity of the country’s small and medium-size businesses has been underwhelming.What you can do: Embrace changeMatching’s downsides in the realm of finding music or restaurants may not feel like such a big deal. Who cares if I don’t discover new food or music if I like what I’ve chosen. But in the case of work, the costs make people’s lives worse.So, what can any of us do as individuals? At the most basic level, it’s really pretty simple: Be open to change.There is good evidence that individuals have a massive psychological bias in favor of the status quo. So, if you are even thinking about making a change, go for it. Move to a new city. Learn a new skill - particularly if it’s one that will improve how you work with data and information technology. Be open to a wholesale career change.And your openness to change shouldn’t be limited to you as an individual. Think about how your company is hiring: Is it looking for cookie-cutter candidates who check off all the right boxes - square pegs to fit into square holes? Or are you looking for unique, well-rounded individuals who can truly break the mold and lead the way to real innovation.America has grown complacent. You can’t be if you hope to succeed.Tyler Cowen is the author of the new book The Complacent Class: The Self- Defeating Quest for the American Dream, from which this essay is adapted.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The 3 Pillars of a Solid Job Search Strategy

The 3 Pillars of a Solid Job Search Strategy The 3 Pillars of a Solid Job Search Strategy The 3 Pillars of a Solid Job Search Strategy Need a new job but don't know how or where to begin? Before you start networking or surfing the web for job postings, recognize these three pillars that can help you refine and perfect how you present yourself and your skills to potential employers: your resume, your web presence, and your interview skills. 1. A Solid Resume To build your resume, you need to determine what you have to offer an employer. How well do you really know yourself, namely your strengths and weaknesses as they apply to your work? What sets you apart from others? What special task did your boss always ask you to perform rather than someone else, knowing you'd do it right? Think especially of the times when you made or saved the company money, when you led or played a major role in a successful project, or when you helped the company hang onto a less-than-happy customer. Answer these questions and chances are you can come up with a list of strengths you would bring to a new job. Next, consider your future: What are your career goals? Do your strengths help you carve out and articulate a long-term vision for your future? How can your next job help you realize that vision? Now that you know your strengths and goals, it's time to put them all together in your resume. As you do so, be sure of two things: Your professional summary, at the top of the resume, must highlight your strengths and how they would benefit the employer, and Your work experience must list detailed examples of accomplishments and skills that support your strengths. For each employer, offer a list of accomplishments that would be most applicable to that organization and that job. You may have other accomplishments, but if they don't help your chances, leave them out. 2. A Solid Web Presence Erect your second pillar by creating (or enhancing) your professional online presence with a social networking profile on a site such as LinkedIn or Facebook. If you have a personal web site that employers can access, add your resume and (if appropriate) a portfolio of your work. Your web profile should take the same summary and work experience approach as your resume by highlighting your strengths, but it doesn't need to be aimed at a specific employer. Like the summary in your resume, the summary in your profile should be a brief synopsis, supported by a more comprehensive list of accomplishments. 3. Solid Interview Skills If your resume and online profile are written well and give an employer enough reasons to want to talk with you, put up your third pillar by articulating your value clearly in the job interview. Here's what's important in interpersonal communication: the ability to listen intently to the hiring manager and other interviewers for what they say about the job, the company, and the company culture. Also, be aware of your body language, especially anything that could send a message that you're nervous or hiding something. Be clear, direct, and engaging. And, to ensure your message is getting through clearly, ask your interviewer after each answer if you need to clarify or expand upon any point you made. In that same vein, be able to pick up on any noticeable body language that could indicate either enthusiasm or nervousness behind the interviewer's answers to your questions. For instance, if someone doesn't look you in the eye or fumbles with an object while he or she responds to a question, it could be a sign that you're not getting an honest answer.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Not Far from the Tree

Not Far from the Tree Not Far from the Tree Not Far from the Tree Exhausted by his long days picking apples, Avi Kahani looked forward to his life as an outdated technology. This was in the early 1980s, when Kahani managed his communal farms orchards on Israeli hills overlooking Lebanon. Every year, kibbutz members pitched in to pick fruit. And each year, they raced to harvest the apples while they were ripe enough to command the highest prices. Kahani, who would soon leave to study mechanical engineering, could already see the first wave of industrial robots sweeping through industry. If robots could replace workers in factories, he reasoned, why not laborers in orchards? We thought robots would be coming soon, Kahani said, laughing at the memory. Unfortunately, apple-picking robots have taken a lot longer than we expected. Today, Kahani is making that vision a reality. In 2013, Kahani and Gad Kober cofounded Israel-based FFRobotics, one of two companies racing to commercialize the worlds first mechanical apple picker. Abundant Robotics, based in Hayward, Calif., is the other. FFRobotics robot sits in the back of a human-driven truck. As it moves through the orchard, its four arms reach out to grasp apples in their three-pronged hands. Once they have the apple, the effectors rotate to snap it off the branch and then drop it in a container. The system could replace an army of pickers, and that is the point. More powerful computers, better sensors, and improved artificial intelligence promise to make machines competitive with human laborers for picking the apple harvest. Image: FF Robotics Whats driving robotics in fruit picking is the same in Israel, Europe, and the United States, Kahani, the companys CEO, said. Seasonal workers are hard to find, and their wages are rising. Each apple for the worlds lucrative fresh market is still picked by hand. In the United States alone, 40,000 people labor in apple orchards and packing sheds each harvest season. Temporary migrant laborers make up about one-third of the peak-season labor force, arriving on H-2A guest visas. An unknown number of seasonal workers are undocumented. This past year, as immigrationboth legal and illegalbecame a highly charged political issue, many farms and orchards had trouble finding enough seasonal workers. Without those workers, unpicked apples will rot on the branch. Growers feel powerless about the current labor market and guest worker system, said Karen Marie Lewis, a Washington State University tree fruit horticulturist. The state of Washington is highly dependent on visa and immigration law, which can determine whether we get the full complement of our workforce. Even before worker shortages, wages for seasonal workers were rising. The guest worker program requires growers to pay migrants the same prevailing wage they pay domestic laborers, which has been increasing, Lewis said. Between labors rising cost and its uncertainty, growers are eager for feasible alternatives. FFRobotics is developing that alternative. After three years of field-testing in Israeli orchards, Kahani and his colleagues plan to test their apple-picking robot on Washingtons 2018 harvest, which runs from mid-August through mid-November. The state accounts for nearly three out of every five apples grown in the United States. Fruit picking is hard, repetitive work, just the type of semi-skilled labor typically replaced by automation in manufacturing. But to perform their tasks reliably, factory robots need a highly structured environment. They require precisely oriented parts delivered to specific locations, and consistent lighting, colors, and background conditions to avoid confusing their vision systems. Traditional orchards are anything but that. Their canopy of leaves and branches presents a shifting collage of confounding light and shadow as the sun moves across the sky, altering the appearance of each apple. A robotic picker must distinguish a ripe fruit from less mature apples, and from tree limbs, branches, twigs, and leaves. It must also do this under floodlights, since the only way for a grower to afford a robotic picker would be to run it 24/7. There is little room for error. Apples are among the most easily bruised fruits. If a robotic picker misses and an apple falls, it may be ruined for the lucrative fresh market. Fortunately, farmers have been making orchards robot-friendly for yearsand they never even knew it. Modern Orchards A traditional apple tree has a thick trunk and branches that stick out randomly in every direction. The trunk and branches soak up a lot of water and energy before they get to the fruit. So, geneticists developed dwarf varieties with narrower trunks and branches that deliver a greater percentage of water and nutrients to the apples. This produced more apples per acre. Orchard managers train these dwarf varieties to make them more accessible. They prune and thin them to establish wide, shallow canopies in nearly vertical planes or V-shapes, so each apple grows within the reach of a human arm. They support weaker trunks with wood or concrete, and keep branches from sagging with wires and trellises. They plant rows up to 1,800 feet long, so human pickers can move efficiently along their fruit walls. These apple trees stick out about a foot from the trunk on each side of the row, with fewer limbs and shadows to hide or obscure fruit. This makes it easier for a laborer to identify, reach, and pick each apple. In Washington, we are building repeatable, predictable, and accessible canopies for human pickers and now we are primed for engineering solutions, including robotic harvesting, said Lewis. A human-friendly orchard is a robot-friendly one. Modern orchard designs also allow engineers to build simpler apple-picking systems, added Amir Degani, founder of the Civil, Environmental, and Agricultural Robotics (CEAR) Lab at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. Degani advised with FFRobotics on developing its robotic arm. To harvest apples on a natural tree, a robot arm would require six to seven degrees of freedom, and thats too expensive, Degani said. With a simpler tree, you can actually use a 3-degree-of-freedom robot that FFRobotics is using. FFRobotics multiple arms, for example, sit on a truck that moves slowly through the orchard, eliminating one degree of freedom. To reach an apple, an arm moves up-and-down and forward-and-back, two degrees of freedom. Once it grasps the fruit, the hand rotates (a third degree of freedom) to detach it from the tree. FFRobotics only challenger to date, Abundant Robotics, also deploys multiple robotic arms guided by algorithms and cameras. Each arm has a vacuum tube end-effector that sucks fruit off trees and drops them into bins. Abundant, which spun out from the independent lab SRI in 2016, field-tested its robot in Washington and Australia in 2017. The company received $10 million in funding led by Googles investment arm in May 2017, bringing its total financial backing to $12 million. The Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission was an early supporter of Abundant Robots picker, providing $500,000 in seed funds. FFRobotics also has a proposal before the commission for funding. With or without that support, we will be in Washington in 2018, Kahani vowed. Washington will be ready. A grower typically sets aside 5 percent of an orchards acreage annually to plant new trees, which produce apples within three years. At that pace, transitioning an entire orchard to new canopies would require two decades. In Washington, however, some growers are moving faster. The industry is spending a boatload of money to plant new acres or transition older acreage to robot-ready canopies, Lewis said. The combination of labor woes and successful robot tests have raised interest among orchard owners across the country, including Rod Farrow, who grows 28 apple varieties on Lamont Fruit Farms 520 acres in Waterport, N.Y. Even a couple of years ago, we thought we would not see a commercial apple picker in our lifetimes, but things are moving very quickly, he said. Robot systems can pick an apple and put it in a bin at an equivalent rate as our workforce with very little damage to the apples. I believe we will have a commercial version working in our own orchards in five years. Deep Learning Before locating and grasping an apple, a robot picker must recognize it as onedespite variations in light, dust, wind, and a background of leaves and branches. Most fruit-picking systems depend on deep learning software to recognize apples, said Manoj Karkee, an associate professor at Washington State Universitys Agricultural Automation and Robotics Lab. A deep learning model consists of interconnected layers of computation. It is a type of neural network, named because it is a simplified imitation of the human brains system of neurons and synapses. Deep learning is the go-to method for working with these kinds of robotic fruit-picking problems, Karkee said. It gives us so much accuracy and robustness in detecting and localizing objects in complex environments. To train a deep learning network to recognize apples takes two things. The first is computing power, which arrived on the scene in the form of graphics processing units (GPUs) used to rapidly crunch numbers for realistic, rapidly changing video game displays. The second is examples of apples, which are readily available from Internets vast trove of images and videos. To understand how deep learning works, consider how Facebook tags friends in photographs. Its networks first computational layers might detect simple things like image elements, such as edges. The next layers might bring together these edges to form parts of facesnoses and eyes, for instanceand further layers might weave those features together to identify the person. Each successive layer of the model builds on the knowledge of the previous layers. The model learns how to recognize featurescolor, texture, shapethat the programmers tell it to look for. FFRobotics trained its deep learning model similarly, feeding it labeled digital images of apples and tree backgrounds. The model learned by trial and error to correlate an apples faceits specific color, shape and texturewith its corresponding image label. It then trained the model on images of tree trunks, branches, twigs, and leaves. Over time, the model learned to get it right. When it consistently misidentified a blob of leaves as an apple (or vice versa), the programmers tweaked the algorithms until they were more likely to identify an apple accurately next time. Then they asked the model to identify features in unlabeled digital images that it had never seen before, refining the algorithms as they moved forward. Even with this training, FFRobotics preps the robot before it enters an unfamiliar orchard. We always take a lot of pictures in the same orchard where the robot will pick, Kahani said. When we go to Washington for field tests, we will take additional pictures in their orchards because even small changessuch as the angle of the sun from Israel to the Pacific Northwestcan change the models results. Training the model is an ongoing process. Not only do apple tree varieties and cultivation practices vary, but modern orchards often cultivate premium apples in shades of red, pink, green, and gold. To gain maximum efficiency, you must train the system with pictures of the fruit variety in the orchard you want to pick, Kahani said. Then we classify the apples based on the individual growers criteria of apple size and color. A member of the FFRobotics team also scans each trees critical points and junctions with an encoder, digitizing the tree. The data goes into Matlab to create a 3-D model of each tree. The four-armed robot, which rides on a tractor driven by a human, uses a single camera to capture an image of an individual apple. The 3-D model identifies the fruits location and orientation and differentiates the fruit from the rest of the tree based on the deep learning algorithm. A controller then directs the robotic arm to that location. Open or Closed FFRobotics is still struggling with whether to go with open- or closed-loop controller. The open-loop system recognizes a specific fruit and sends the gripper to that location. If a strong wind moves the apple left or right, the gripper does not follow. The closed-loop system tracks the movement of the fruit by distinctive points on the apples face as guides and adjusts the arm as it moves closer to the apple. While closed-loop systems are more effective, they are also too expensive, Kahani said. From our experience, the open loop system with this robot and this gripper is working very well even in windy situations, Kahani said. But we are thinking and working all the time to improve the system, so we may change it. The three-fingered gripper at the end of the robotic arm has a single motor that grips the apple and rotates it about 90 degrees to detach it from the tree. The arm retracts several inches and drops the apple into a container. The robots vision system functions best when apples are clearly visible or only partially hidden. Apples blocked by branches would be too difficult to pick, so the robot leaves them for a human to pick later. The machine can pick 80 to 90 percent of a crop, depending on the tree design, said Kahani, shaving harvesting costs by about 25 percent. Even picking 70 percent of a crop would make it financially viable, said Karkee. A manual crew may have to follow up by picking the other 30 percent, but that would take care of seasonal labor demands at harvest. Because farmers would use an apple picker only 80 days per year, Kahani would like to adapt the mechanism to other fruits. He envisions rewriting the algorithm and reengineering the gripper for peaches or citrus fruits. The robot would then become a migrant laborer, working the fall harvest in the north and heading south for the winter harvest in winter. Some humans are likely to join them, however, Farrow said. Robots, at least the early versions, cannot reach every apple and they are prone to breakdown. The federal guest worker program is a nightmare to work with, but if you give up those workers to use these robots, then those people arent available to you anymore, Farrow said. Farmers will still need laborers, but Farrow expects most growers to embrace robot pickers as they transition to new canopies. Large operations that are already transitioning will adopt robots quickly. But you need at least couple hundred acres with the right canopy to justify making it work financially, and many operations arent there yet. Maybe not, but they are certainly a lot closer than they were when Kahani was picking apples as a young man. John H. Tibbetts is a freelance writer based in Charleston, S.C. Readthe latest issue of theMechanical Engineering Magazine. For Further Discussion