Sunday, December 29, 2019


14DHS SES Candidate Development Program Announcement Open Until 12/1/14DHS SES Candidate Development Program Announcement Open Until 12/1/14Senior Executive Service Candidates Be AdvisedThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has posted the announcement for its Senior Executive Service (SES) Candidate Development Program (CDP). Applications are being accepted through December 1, 2014.The application requires only the 5-page SES resume Learn how to write this all-inclusive 5-page SES resume with the help of the Kathryn Troutman and Diane Hudsons acclaimed reference The New SES Application.This publication includes two successful samples of the 5-page resume, which includesECQ examples that cover the required leadership competenciesExample of the format and description of dutiesExample of how to use keywords and summaries of experiencesExamples of how to cover the Technical Qualifications in the 5 page resume

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Thought Leaders Convene to Help ASME Focus its Technology Port...

Thought Leaders Convene to Help ASME Focus its Technology Port... Thought Leaders Convene to Help ASME Focus its Technology Port... Thought Leaders Convene to Help ASME Focus its Technology Portfolio(Left to right) Technology Advisory Panel members Karen Stelling, Paul Cleri, Bharat Bhushan, Eduardo Barrientos and Caleb Amy were among the thought leaders who met at the ASME New York headquarters on March 4 to help ASME identify technologies that would serve as the basis for its technology portfolio. (Photos by Wil Haywood, ASME Public Information) Earlier this month, ASME brought together 20 thought leaders from companies and universities across the globe to help identify a core group of technologies the Society could focus on when creating products, programs and technical content in the future. The eventual selection of three to five new and enduring technologies to serve as the basis of ASMEs technology portfolio is a key component of the Societys new strategy, ASME NOW, which is i ntended to establish ASME as the go-to organization for solving the worlds technology challenges.The group of 20 high-level volunteers, named the Technology Advisory Panel (TAP), met at the New York headquarters of ASME on March 4 for the daylong workshop. The meeting, which was facilitated by Anne House Henrich of Cardinal Consulting and ASMEs director of market intelligence Svetlana Shaknes, employed a structured, focus-group styled format called the Delphi Method to help the participants through the selection process.The TAP meeting was the third step in the initiative, which began in January when an 18-member Staff Technology Team was formed to begin the technology identifying process, reducing a list of mora than 2,600 individual technologies to the 50 deemed most relevant for achieving ASMEs strategic objectives. In February, a survey was then sent to 125,000 Society members and qualified content contributors, whose input helped the staff team select the 24 technologies that t he TAP members were asked to review based on their relevancy to ASME as well as mechanical engineering and market-related parameters. Show of hands Members of the panel vote on which technologies should remain on the list as the meetings co-facilitator, Anne House Henrich (third from left), tallies the results during the Technology Advisory Panel meeting.By the end of the lively meeting in New York, the panel had narrowed the list of 24 technologies down to the 13 they saw as most germane to ASME manufacturing (including additive manufacturing/3D printing and digital design and manufacturing) robotics gas turbines renewable energy (including energy storage) autonomous/unmanned vehicles bioengineering nuclear power distributed generation pressure technology, environmental engineering smart grid energy efficiency and aerospace.One important way that the members of the group were able to arrive at their final list was by concluding early on in the workshop that some of the original 24 technologies - such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, STEM education, and nanotechnology - could be viewed as areas that enabled or supported the 13 technologies they ultimately selected.I think one of the main things we decided to do was to refine the process when everybody saw that some of the technologies were supportive and that this was more of a matrix than a direct list, TAP member Karen Stelling, a prof of practice at the University of NebraskaLincoln, said after the meeting. Once we could agree on that in the morning, we actually changed our direction and then I think it made everything shake out pretty well from there. Thats when we were able to make progress. Meeting co-facilitator Svetlana Shaknes (third from left) assists TAP members Steven Wallace, Tommy Gardner and Jeffrey Korengel as they prepare to assess the 24 technologies. Eduardo Barrientos, another member of the panel, concurred. The group realized that these supporting or cross-cutting te chnologies would be systematically embedded in all the other technologies as we develop products and services around those technologies, said Barrientos, a technology system engineer at General Motors PowertrainEurope. I think that made it simpler for the group to focus. Thats when we were able to really prioritize.The next step for the Staff Technology Team will be to conduct strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) analysis of the 13 selected technologies in order to further narrow the list to five technologies, which will be presented to the Board of Governors for approval by June 1.Panel member Bharat Bhushan said he was pleased with the outcome of the days activities. I was glad to see that ASME, the volunteer organization and the staff, felt the need to look at what is it they need to be doing, where they need to be focusing, said Dr. Bhushan, Ohio Eminent Scholar and the Howard D. Winbigler Professor at the Ohio State University. It was an effort worth doing, and its good that they invited 20 volunteers from all over the world. ASME members come with a diverse hintergrund to bring in a room in a democratic way. Dr. Bhusan went on to say that he believes ASME should regularly revisit the technologies - perhaps as often as every few years - because of the constantly progressing nature of technology. (Left to right) Technology Advisory Panel members Jonathan Jennings, James Klausner and John Elter discuss their selections during the meeting. Laurent Fabry, global strategic account director at T.D. Williamson in Belgium, also commended ASME on the diversity of the group that had been assembled for the meeting. We had early career, we had academia, and we had various types of industries, he said. It created, in the end, a good representation of the market and a good group for identifying the market needs. I think it was also a privilege to be called upon and to be humbly representing the industry we serve.Barrientos commended ASMEs leaders for th eir efforts to develop a strategy that would be beneficial for the Society. Focusing around certain key technologies and then around markets is going to allow us to be more effective, he said. Its going to allow us to work together to look at the problems and actually organize ourselves in a better way so we can provide a better service for humankind. The other Technology Advisory Panel members who took part in the meeting were Caleb Amy, a graduate student from Georgia Institute of Technology Judith Bamberger from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory John Elter of Sustainable Systems LLC Tommy Gardner of Jacobs/CTO Mission Solutions Robert Hauck of GE Medical Systems Healthcare Ralph Hill of Hill Engineering Solutions LLC Jonathan Jennings, a student at the University of Missouri James F. Klausner from Michigan State University Jeffrey Korengel of ConAgra Foods Tim Lieuwen from Georgia Tech Brian Paul from Oregon State University Ravi Prasher from Lawrence Berkeley National Labora tory John Voeller of Black Veatch and Steven Wallace of Boeing Research and Technology. ASME staff members John Koehr, Raj Manchanda, Christine Reilley and Paul Cleri, who are members of the Staff Technology Team, also served as panel members during the meeting.

Friday, December 20, 2019

6 signs you are stupidly bored with your job

6 signs you are stupidly bored with your job6 signs you are stupidly bored with your jobThough its unrealistic to expect complete satisfaction 24/7 in our careers, if youre constantly drumming your fingers, yawning in meetings and finding every excuse to do anything but work - your boredom might be reaching dangerous heights. Youre bedrngnis the only one who lacks luster at the workplace, considering a recent survey found that 43% of employees feel blase while on the clock. Some periods of disenchantment are normal, but workplace expert Amy Cooper Hakim, Ph.D. says continued fatigue can lead to burnout-syndrom - fast.Even the CEO of an organization has some mundane tasks that bore him or her. But, ideally, we scatter the chore type work amongst fun and interesting tasks, so that the majority of our workday is enjoyable, meaningful and productive, she shares. When you are bored at work, you are less likely to submit quality work and are mora likely to goof off. You may not perform a s well or as consistently.Do you worry your current gig has lost its appeal? Here, career experts give the undeniable signs its time to seek a new opportunity or make a change ASAPYou constantly watch the clockWe all have those days where the caffeine hits just right and youre zooming through emails, sending out projects and killing it in every meeting. And then there are days when nothing is grooving and you feel like youve retreated back to your entry-level performance days. Heres the deal if youre tuned-in to the clock, praying for the minutes to pass faster, youre not engaged with your work.Career coach Cheryl Palmer explains work days will become increasingly agonizingly slow when you dont fill your hours with tasks that interest you. Instead of counting down the clock, volunteer to help someone else. If your work is boring, you can probably do it quickly and then have time to help someone else on the job who is really busy, she recommends.You constantly zone outMuch like in mi ddle school math class - where algebra just wasnt your jam - if youre daydreaming about the weekend, cooking dinner or your upcoming vacation during meetings, youre bound to drop the ball. Zoning out is usually an indicator that youre not invested, which should be a signal for you to raise your hand for more responsibility.As Hakim suggests, ask if you might learn a new job or help someone out with a new project, just to change the pace a bit. This brief break from the mundane affords you an opportunity to learn a new skill or to help out a coworker, she explains.You only do the minimum requiredTheres nothing worse than hiring an employee to assist your team and they begrudgingly meet the requirements, without giving an ounce of additional effort to position the company for success. You know how much resentment breeds from working with someone who does the bare minimum, so when you start to deliver less than stellar work, its a red flag of boredom. Palmer says first and foremost, its not enough to meet deadlines - but rather, to exceed expectations if you want to propel your career forward. After all, until you prove you can handle the tedious tasks, you wont be trusted to explore more creative pursuits.Its unlikely that you will be given more responsibility or challenge if you dont do the work that you have been hired to do well. Once you have established your reputation as a good worker, then you are in a position to ask the boss if you can take on a new challenge like being cross-trained to do another type of work which could be more interesting to you, Palmer says.You goof off when you should be working.Dependent on your company culture, chatting about the latest celebrity gossip or asking for recommendations for a date night dinner place is welcomed conversation. But if you spend more of your hours Gchatting away about unrelated work topics, youre engaged with your team - but not your job. Hakim explains if you were interested in your tasks, you would not permit yourself to lose focus on your daily objectives.As a way to give yourself the time to socially connect, make a rule for yourself youll take a five-minute break every hour or so, and then its back to the grind. This self-discipline takes practice, but Hakim notes it can do wonders for your personal accountability.You spend a lot of time on non-work-related tasks while on the jobIf you know more about your best friend from high schools wedding than you do about this quarters sales projections, your idle hands might be disrupting your workflow. Though the social media landscape has fundamentally shifted many company policies, when youre at the office, you should still give your utmost attention to your gig - not your Instagram feed. As a way to omit distractions, Palmer suggests taking the initiative to go above and beyond whats required of you. This will help position you to become a more valuable employee and push you to commit to your work in a more effective manner.She adds this could include volunteering to serve on department-wide or organization-wide committees that serve the purpose of increasing organizational efficiency. Serving on such a committee can make you more visible in the organization and could potentially open doors for you in the future, she says.You scour online job sites regularlyWhen youre in a dysfunctional relationship thats unfulfilling, you might start noticing singles through a rose-colored lens. Or find yourself peeking over your pals shoulder while theyre Tindering. The same metric applies to job seeking if youre currently employed but have 10 job alerts from various sites, you likely arent digging your role anymore.We all want to feel challenged and important. If you are not satisfied at work, it may be a good idea to look for another opportunity. But, still, make sure to meet job expectations while you are on the clock. After all, you want to earn a good recommendation for that next position, Hakim suggests.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Overcoming Fear - Conquering Anxiety at the Job - The Muse

Overcoming Fear - Conquering Anxiety at the Job - The MuseOvercoming Fear - Conquering Anxiety at the Job The more I work with clients, the more I am convinced that some of the worst things that happen to us in the workplace are of our own making. When I say that, a couple of specific examples come to mind. For example, consider my client Liza, who tolerated zu sich mistakes being publicly called out by herbei manager and was terrified to confront him about it.And there was Mason, who almost quit a job because his boss never followed through with a commitment to give him a raise and promotion.Then, theres Teresa, who was overwhelmed in a new job and assumed shed made a big mistake by accepting the role. Each one of them was in severe pain- pain so bad they were ready to walk away from what were frankly great jobs The pain of those situations kept them frozen in one of the biggest workplace adversaries fear.Liza was terrified to confront her manager. She told me she didnt think she co uld get through the conversation without crying. Mason was indignant about not getting a promised raise but was scared to bring it up. After all, what if his boss said, Oh, sorry we really dont think youre worth it after all. And Teresa felt wholly inadequate. She feared being perceived as an imposter that she must not be as competent as the person who hired her thought she was. In each of these examples- and probably many that you can cite in your own career- fear kept people from taking action. Psychologists say that when we are in a state of fear, we compromise our ability to process thoughts and events rationally. Our brain wants to protect us by sending us in a direction away from the pain point. And Freuds pleasure principle suggests that in almost everything we do, our mission is to avoid pain. Think about it When youre in pain, are you likely to take a risk confronting a manager? Asking for that big raise that was never mentioned again? Or go tell a new boss you need help in a new job? Heck no In all these situations, the natural reaction is avoidance. Quit now Cut and run Pull up the covers and hideSo, how do you climb out of the fear morass and start taking steps to resolve these situations at work? Heres an easy three-step plan.Step 1 Analyze the FearDid you know that as humans, we are innately wired with only two fears the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling? Those fears are programmed into us to keep us safe and have been passed down through generations. What that means is that all of our other fears are learned fears. Theyre triggered by life experiences that stimulated fear at some point, and now, when were in similar situations, that learned fear is invoked again.If you really want to disarm your fear, name it. Get it out of the closet. Hang it out to dry. Research shows that when we bring our fears into the light of day, we can start making that fear extinct. To start shining a light on your fears, get out a journal and complete these sentencesIm afraid of (for example, getting fired from my job.)This fear is caused by (insecurity that results from not getting validated with praise or recognition.)As a result of not dealing with this fear, I am (completely stressed, not sleeping, and gaining weight.)If I take constructive steps to address this fear (I will have a much higher quality of work life.) Once you identify what fear is holding you back, youll have an easier time taking action to release it.Step 2 Make a Plan With Exposure Therapy TechniquesWhen psychologists work with patients to overcome the fear of say, spiders, they do so by taking gradual small steps. First they show them a picture of a spider. Then, they put the person in the room with a spider. Next, they etwas the spider with a feather, then with a gloved hand, then a bare hand, and finally they hold the spider. Its a process called exposure therapy This type of therapy rewires your brain around the fear you have and allows you to move past it. Yo u can do the same with your workplace fears, sans feathers and gloves. In Lizas case, we identified three actions she could take.First, she could ask her manager for a weekly meeting, since its hard to address a big issue without any other ongoing communication. Then, she determined that the weekly meeting agenda could include both a recap of her accomplishments and a discussion about where she needed help from her manager. This would engage them in a mutually supportive conversation.Finally, she could include a designated time to exchange feedback in that meeting. This would help open a healthy avenue for sharing feedback with her manager, where she could work toward addressing the issue of being called out in public. By using concepts from exposure therapy, you can drop the ultimatum-making (Ive got to quit that job) and instead, design your own exposure therapy regimen to confront your fear and take action. Step 3 ExecuteIn all three of these situations, we were able to design pl ans to help the employees overcome their fears- and once they acted on those plans, they were able to resolve the issues. When Liza conducted structured meetings with her manager, she was able to bring up her concern about being called out publicly for making mistakes. Once her manager was aware of her concerns, they were able to work together to develop a more effective solution. Mason resolved the raise and promotion issues after confronting an executive who was known for big promises and virtually no follow-up. And Teresa realized she had a lot more leverage in her new job than she thought, and she learned to use it to her advantage to get much more strategic visibility in her new job. All much better results than succumbing to fear and running away. Look at whats keeping you paralyzed in fear at work. Analyze that fear and use exposure therapy techniques to develop a plan and take action to resolve the situation at hand. Its not a comfortable process, but youll be surprised at w hats on the other side. Just ask all those people who used to be terrified of spiders. Photo of parachuting people courtesy of Shutterstock.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Secret Shortcuts to Resume Maker App Only Couple of People Know

Secret Shortcuts to Resume Maker App Only Couple of People Know Its possible to enter your social networking profile address for an extra point of contact. A resume builder is going to have you simply supply your information into a webpage. First you are going to want to supply your name, address, email address, and telephone number. Youll have to deliver some simple details on your resume. Key Pieces of Resume Maker App Microsoft Word resume templates are the most often used tool in the work hunting. Now you have these free Microsoft Word resume templates, youre one step closer to getting the ideal position. Templates can frequently be downloaded and then utilized in a word processor. You dont get aleidher chance. Resumizer free resume creator allows you to preview your resume at any stage in the creation practice. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better probability of standing from the crowd even supposing its mad e utilizing a template. As a consequence, it becomes a lot easier for us to incorporate the perfect elements into your resume, which consequently can definitely enhance the chance of your resume getting selected. Most Noticeable Resume Maker App Wizard tells you what should be filled inside each page. You have to just fill in the details within the wizard. My Resume Builder can help you create a fantastic resume with the support of its tools. So, it is very useful in creating an amazing ready-to-go resume. In addition, there are books solely written to assist you write amazing resumes. Whether youre a resume novice or expect, utilize the aforementioned resources to assist you in getting started in the application approach. The information that you include on your resume ought to be regarding the job which you are applying for. The very first key is to realize how resumes are organized. To start with, whenever the recruiters go through your resume, they receive a very firs t impression of your profile. There are quite a lot of places where youre able to acquire good resume examples. To compose a good resume it is helpful to use examples of different resumes. There are lots of examples of resumes, but you need to remain certain to create your resume and cover letter with your very own personal touch. The Benefits of Resume Maker App A lot of businesses are placing more importance in building an excellent company culture. So you need to be mindful when listing your job experiences. Submit the same resume for every single job. Its important to get your resume stand out from the work competition. Specifically if youd like to acquire an undertaking. The next professional resume template is appropriate for professional bankers, and its precisely what you want. Whether you will need a resume at this time or if youre making one proactively, theres a choice to suit your wants. There are different choices to take into account when it has to do with putting together an online resume. Resume Maker App - What Is It? Apply numerous search filters for the kind of company and position you are looking for. Share your work when youre completely delighted with your entwurf and work, you can share it to the world via your social networking accounts, personal site, or various different channels you might utilize. With a couple free on-line solutions, the procedure can be made a bit easier. The work search may be a lengthy process just examine the statistics below Up in Arms About Resume Maker App? Lets look at a mixture of free Google Docs and Microsoft Word templates. Resume creators make it possible for jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes right from the world wide web to get started applying immediately. Over 1000 million folks are using 9Apps. If you wish to make a resume, utilize this app to earn a professional resume. The Secret to Resume Maker App Read More is a fantastic way to introduce prospective e mployers to what you could do. The URL may also be shared with potential employers. The Secret to Resume Maker App Additionally, try to explain why you are the best candidate for the part. An example might be a niche skill needed for work, which you might happen to get, but may not be relevant to include for most jobs. Folks often compose a resume, since the purpose of it is to land work. The aim of a resume is to highlight your skills, experience and accomplishments that are related to the role you are interested in being in. Perhaps you have good qualifications, but you should prove it to the recruiters. When youve got no or very little knowledge in your preferred job profile you will need to convince the prospective employer by presenting your key abilities and qualifications. There are lots of approaches to create a one of a kind and professional resume online so you are going to be ready for your next employment application and interview. The service also provides many example CVs, dependent on the business, so youre able to secure some hints and ideas regarding how your CV should look, dependent on your career path. The Benefits of Resume Maker App VisualizeMe is another intriguing choice for job hunters searching for a visual resume. As an issue of fact, on an average, the majority of the recruiters do not start looking for over 6 seconds at a resume. Resume in an easy and printing tips that you are able to export to your job winning. To complement the very first tip above, be sure to first completely analyze each and every job which you target.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Resume Writing for Introverts Cover Up

The Resume Writing for Introverts Cover Up The 30-Second Trick for Resume Writing for Introverts Have a few questions ready so that you can do what you can to keep the conversation flowing naturallywho knows, the possible employer might never realize youre an introvert An introverts strong listening skills can be helpful in one-on-one meetings, and can likewise be helpful in sales-related positions. When it has to do with looking for work, its simple to see shyness as something that could hold you back. Even if the interview goes smoothly, an introvert could wind up tanking it because of the simple fact they gave off a nervous vibe since they were worried about what could fail. You have to make sure youre the perfect fit for the job and that the job is the correct fit for you. Its always best to learn what you can in regards to the position youre applying for because it permits you to share why you think thatll be an excellent fit. If youre an introvert and are searching for a job, understanding your very own personal strengths and having the capability to convert them into resume-ready skills which will help you land the position you would like is critical. Also, based on the workplace and degree of the job, you might encounter various varieties of interviews, some lasting a whole day or more. Writing out a resume or cover letter is a great chance for you to display your abilities. Preparing for your meeting will also give you the capacity to ask for what you desire. Resumes should be in the right format and offer information related to the work position. Students have to be sure they thoroughly understand the matter, and understand how to explain it to others. Bear in mind that needing quiet time for yourself isnt an indication that youre not suited for the job it is just a recognition and an honoring of how you prepare to do your very best work. An interview needs a considerable energy output for you. Whatever They Told You About Resume W riting for Introverts Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why There continue to be plenty of work at home job alternatives for you to pursue even when youre an introvert. If it is time to interview, candidates of both schriftarts should have had a great nights sleep and ought to be ready. Today, its especially pertinent to job seekers. You will discover suitable job position for you because youve got valuable skills in practically any business. In addition, its the type of job that actually doesnt require you to be in a workplace. Everybody has a very first job. The more prepared you feel for an interview, the simpler it is going to be to stay calm and confident once you walk in the interview room. If you know what things to expect, you are not as likely to freeze and truly feel uncomfortable during the interview. Additionally, interviews typically have some traditional questions, so make certain to practice your answers to lessen nerves, she states. Being alone before the intervi ew will supply you with energy, while being alone afterward permits you to recharge. When it regards the interview procedure, however, we must create methods to let our masterful skills speak for all of us. Employing an expert to compose your resume may well be the ideal method of ensuring that youre positioned as a superior candidate. Just be certain you are interviewing for work which is likely to make the maximum usage of your natural strengths. So its important to think about which job is probably to suit your personality and the way you work best. If youre standing by yourself, someone is a great deal more likely to approach you and begin a conversation if youre smiling genuinely and standing with open, welcoming body language. So as you dont need to stuff your resume with key words, it is necessary to optimize it with a couple relevant keyword phrases. As a consequence, their resumes languish at the base of the applicant pile. From time to time, students will be paid p er word, though other clients might need to set a level rate per article.